Sunday 31 January 2010

SSPX attack on the FSSP church .... God Bless them!

It is most heartwarming to see that I am someone's second favourite behind Cleansing Fire! All in all, Cleansing Fire is one of my most favourite blogs. Them, WDTPRS, Orthometer and The Crescat! Oh, and of course..... mine. On the blog of the Transalpine Redemptorists you can see pictures of the FSSP chapel that was sprayed with graffiti courteousy of the S.S.P.X. Here

There was no need at all for the SSPX members, either Priests or the laity to do this to the FSSP. All the FSSP was trying to do is pray for all the conversion of the people outside the church to be once again in communion. We aren't shutting the door in anyones faces. We are letting them in. We are not the Anglican Communion, who has shut the door in the faces of the AngloCatholics, but I will not accuse. But, to be Catholic at that, you must believe and agree with all of our teachings and dogmas.

If I let this certain group of SSPX'ers know that I was praying for the conversion of those outside the church would they come and spray paint my house? What they did was purely not Catholic, it was definately that of an extremist group .... which I thought the SSPX wasn't. I am dissapointed in the Mexican SSPX.

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