Saturday 16 January 2010

How to handle Anti-Catholic statements.

I found this great Article in my email from the Daily Blog Section about when some radical leftists come over to a Catholic and say "Your going to hell! You worship statues and icons, God said to never do that!" and then they go on, saying "God never said that, or that, or that, or that," etc. It (the article) explains how the word "worship" has changed over time in english

the article is Here.
But I will post bits of it below.

A reader asks,
"“I always thought it was clear Catholic Church teaching that worship is reserved for God. But now I’m having the terms latria, dulia, etc., thrown in my face and being told: ‘Hah! You Catholics worship Mary and not only that, you worship saints, too, you awful, terrible people, and you are all going to hell . . . yadda, yadda, yadda.’
I found that the original Catholic Encyclopedia states that we do worship Mary and the saints and also goes on to imply that we worship icons, statues, etc.
Could you please help me and others who are in desperate need of a method to explain Church teaching about these things?”

"The basic problem is that the term “worship” has changed meaning in English. Originally, the term meant the state or condition (-ship) of having worth"

"Worship = worth + -ship. It meant the same as the contemporary English word “worthiness”"

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