Wednesday 30 December 2009

Cathedrals of the World, Part 2.

Welcome to the Second segment of the "Cathedrals of the World" part 2! I will be doing Chartres Cathedral, in France.

First off, I focus on the Windows (of Course. You can expect less criticism this time!)

This one is very beautiful! It is much better.

Chartres has one of the most beautiful windows! Especially among a dark background.

Very beautiful.,

Next, I will be going onto the inside of the Cathedral.There is a full view of the inside. Beautiful!

Now, the Altar.Beautiful! There is 3 steps to te altar, as is custum. An Altar Rail (which every church is supposed to have)!

Last, but not least, the outside of the beautiful Cathedral.

The Outside of the Cathedral! Very big, and Beautiful.

This cathedral is very, very old. It survived many fires ... 2, and was destroyed in one. Well, all but the treasury and facade! The one you see today, was finished in 1220.

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