Friday 23 December 2011

Like a broken record!

What a day it is today. The eve of Christmas Eve. Today, traditionally, many people start to make a simple bread pudding, their rice puddings, started preparing the turkey and ham, potatoes, chicken, bacon, chestnuts....ohh my. That's what most people look forward to on Christmas, whereas Catholics, we're not (well, statistically we are, but) most people. We know that Christmas is not merely a jolly season, and happy holiday. It's the birth of the Christchild.

I have my shopping done. I was to the Mall the other day, I saw a big lineup of children, bless', to sit on Father Christmas's lap and get their picture taken. I saw 70% and 30% off sales in every store. "Happy Holidays" was plastered on every wall and crack and crevice, "Seasons Greetings" was displayed on banners and along the the rails of the stairs. I saw little red, big green, super-size green bulbs hanging from the ceilings. Quite the display. What was missing? Christmas. There wasn't a Nativity Scene like there usually was; there was one last year. There was no "Merry Christmas", just "Happy Holidays" and "Celebrate the holidays with ___", the people were rampant and bloodthirsty it seemed, looking for gifts and Santa treats.

But, I feel I've posted enough (like a broken record) about how much I hate people trying to remove the Christ from Christmas. I'll let this good video explain....better than I EVER could.

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