Wednesday 21 December 2011

Falalalala lalalala

Have a holly jolly Christmas! Tis the best time of the year!

Indeed it is other than Easter, as we celebrate the birth of our blessed Lord and Saviour, born of the sinless Virgin, as His foster father watched and kept care.

It is that classic image, of the Blessed Virgin on he knees, with her hand folded in prayers, as she gazes upon the face of the divine Messiah in the mange. Good St Joseph has a staff, and is holding up a light to reveal what is there. He too is adoring. He who would die for our sins, Our sovereign King, lay in the manger because there was no room at neither inn to keep him.

So often is this forgot at Christmas time. It has become secularised, it has become a time of focussing on the "good of Humanity" which is jolly well, but is not God's goodness infinitely better? We can't let Christmas become about us, it is not about us. It is about Christ's birth. Giving and receiving gifts is a wonderful way to celebrate this.

Santa Claus is a Catholic anyways, so we don't have to worry about that!

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