Tuesday 13 December 2011

Happy Holidays!

You know, I don't know what it is lately, but I've had scarce time to post! Goodness! We're in the third week of Advent now, and we are as closer to Christmas as ever! No doubt, it's the time of (un)liturgical blue in some parishes, and maybe your local Church has invited the Rev'd Lou Laderhosen (no offence to my dear German readers) to speak at the Carols service, with blue rainbow vestments no doubt!

So, what about Christmas! I am positive you've received in your mail "seasons greetings" from your local MHA or MP, and that most local businesses are having "holiday sales" for the "happy holidays". Also, I suppose you've read the article on how to have the perfect "godless" Christmas?

And that is our problem exactly! The so popular notion of a godless Christmas! I am asking, how is this possible? And now I shall rant.

These days, in this age, when our dear little ones look forward to Christmas, they think of Santa or Father Christmas and await his visit on Christmas night. They leave cake and syrup, or cookies and milk for him, and maybe a carrot for Rudolph. Children are told by their parents to behave, because Santa is watching! I don't think that jolly ol' Fater Christmas is harmful or bad at all, for children it's a wee bit of fun! And, we do know that Father Christmas is a Catholic after all! Though, that is not what Christmas is about.

It's not allowed to be taught in schools, it's not allowed on the radio. Christmas, the word itself, is avoided and replaced with the "holiday" or "season", as if the moment the word rolled off your tongue, one would catch fire! People fear it, and do you know why? Because they don't fear, let alone believe in God, our Saviour, Jesus Christ whose blessed and holy Birth we celebrate at Christmas, hence the name!

If it were not for the birth of the Son of God, we wouldn't have Christmas, and as much as people like to replace it with another completely different "feel good and giddy" "holiday", they themselves DO know this.

It is our duty as Christians, to take BACK Christmas. I urge you whenever someone says to you "Happy Holidays" turn right back around, smile as big you can, and say with heart "Merry Christmas!" and walk away. The true meaning of Christmas, IS to celebrate the birth of Christ! It is not about gifts, though that is a wonderful tradition and way we celebrate Christ's birth, but as Catholics, the best gift would be to go to Mass. We must adore and worship the King of all, Our sweetest Saviour. And that is Christmas!

But we are only yet in Advent, and the perfect time to honour and praise the Blessed Virgin, who bore the Saviour. Take up your Rosary, I'm sure you have one, pray it with fervency! With her, gaze upon the face of Christ.

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