Monday 21 November 2011

The sun is setting on the old translation! Last Sunday, Christ the King Sunday, was the last day the missal was used (besides for daily mass), and now we prepare for a better translation.

I wasn't here to say it, so I'll say it now. Yesterday was the feast of Christ the King of all Creation, King of the Universe! Christ is victor, Christ is reigning, Christ shall always reign for eternity! Christ the King, our sovereign priest and Head of the Church. Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat! Our sovereign Lord and King.

And today, is the fest of the Presentation of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the Universe. The Mother of God, who brought forth Our Lord through her womb. She, who points to Him, and through Whom, we come to Christ. Our Lady, the Virgin Immaculate, the purest of creatures! Sinless, immaculate.

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