Friday 18 November 2011

A new year!

Ah, we are approaching that time of year again. No, not the annual Call to Action conference, that's over. No, not the Geen Party's general convention either, I don't know whether it's over or not or if there was such a waste-of-time, but I can wait to hear about it.

I am speaking of the new Liturgical year, and also, of Advent. Now, the new liturgical year will affect many of us, in nothing BUT good ways. Even for us who assist at the TLM, the new liturgical year shall bring good and fresh fruits.

Sometimes, I'm am not able to make it to the TLM, and so I attend the Vernacular ("ordinary form"). Thanks be to God, we are getting rid of that horrid, bland, and poorly translated translation, and are welcoming, without (from true Catholics) complaint, a fresh, new translation. A more accurate, a better worded, more poetic translation. The Catholic press is abuzz with news, like criticism of it, to praise of it.

But, we need to also not get our hopes too high. If you attend a known "liturgically challenged" church, and if you are now expecting a Mass without abuse, horrid hymns, etc..., I think you know better. Better translation, yes indeed! But, I doubt whether you have a new "liturgy committee" or that the "liturgical dance troupe" has been thrown to the rubbish bin. Marty Haugen has set the new translation to music, which I must admit though I don't like it, it's not as bad as some others.

These parish committees or Alleluia Posse or whatever they call themselves, might find a way to fit in the old banners and dance scarves, puppets and strings. As of late, though this fad HAS been decreasing, slowly but surely. If you're active in your parish, you CAN prevent abuses. Now, I'm hardly suggesting that EVER SINGLE CHURCH will find a way to insert abuse, no. I am ONLY speaking about those select churches which we know, or you know, have a tendancy to offend Our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Just know and remember that things, most likely in this regard, WILL get better. Younger, more orthodox Priests. A better formed and catechised Parish. Etcetera.

Also, now with the start of Advent, when we prepare most graciously for the blessed birth of Our Lord and Saviour. We adore, praise and glorify Him. We pray and fast, and we seek His most Blessed Mother, our Mother too's, prayers as we praise and honour her.

Advent is the season of prayer, fasting, and preparation. Maybe, you pick a new patron saint for the new liturgical year. Advent, pray to your favourite or patron Saint, such as St John Bosco or St Benedict, for their intercession is most powerful as you honour those holy and glorious men and women.

Get out your Advent wreath! What other way to prepare for the birth of our Saviour than to count down the Sundays!

And, you can cook! Never, EVER, forget to make your Plum Pudding!

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