Thursday 29 July 2010

Graveyard Mass

Ahh, summer. Do you remember my post about the Graveyard Mass with Fr. Liberal? Well, Graveyard Mass was today, and now, with the new Parish Priest, everything went lovely!
The Differences.....
  1. Last yeart, Fr. Liberal did not wear a Chasuble, as "it was too windy; well, this year was even windier, and our lovely new Priest wore a beautiful white-and-gold chasuble. Note, it was windier than last year.
  2. The homily was fire and brimstone. Father preaches about the sins of not attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and of not going to confession, he stressed the importance of the Eucharist! That it was not just "a piece of holy bread and wine". He preached that people were putting their souls in danger for not going to Mass, by not going to Confession they were putting their mortal fate in danger. Good for him! Bravo! And the best part is, is that he delivers his BEST homilies when there is a big crowd. Mass attendance has increased since he became vicar. The church looks more orthodox that what once was.
  3. The hymns were not by the St. Lousic (not) Jesuits! They were the Prayer of St. Francis (not contemporary, I can tell you that ), Hail Queen of Heaven the Ocean Star, and sadly, I can not remember the other.
  4. Before Mass he asked everyone to keep a prayerful Silence, as it was the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and NOT a cocktail party.
God Bless his heart. I was so impressed, as were the older folks. Everybody went back to their little salt-box homes thinking of God's love for us, and how we must be careful, and stray away from sin-and from the Devil, the importance of the Mass, and of the Holy Eucharist. Before Mass, the Rosary was prayed.

I am impressed.

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