Tuesday 6 July 2010

But wait! There's more!

I stumbled across another website today (I say stumbled, because it was completely accidental). Lets disect it! It was the website of "Most Holy Redeemer 'Catholic' Church".
On the front page it says

"MHR Parish, located at 100 Diamond Street (at 18th Street) has existed as the {non}Roman Catholic religious center of the Castro neighborhood in San Francisco since 1900. Located just 2 blocks from the heart of the historic Castro district, the parish reflects {"}the diversity{"} and excitement {WOW. Where have I heard that before?} of the surrounding neighborhood. MHR is an inclusive {hear that? inclusive! I say the people at Progressive Catholic church sure are jealous now! The MHR is more inclusive than them!} Catholic community -- embracing all people of good faith {go on}-- Catholics as well as those people interested in learning about the Catholic experience {I say that that "experience" is about as "Catholic" as the Canadian government}-- regardless of their background, gender, race, social status, gender identity or sexual orientation. {Oh, c'mon! what an old, over-used clichè!}"

Let us continue to the "About Us" section (and waste of time).

MHR is an inclusive Catholic community {NOTE: not a church, a community, so called "inclusive"}-- embracing all people of good faith -- Catholics as well as those people interested in learning about the Catholic experience -- regardless of their background, gender, gender identity, race, social status or sexual orientation.{blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah.}

Read: Gays and Grays: The Story of the Gay Community at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish. {There should NOT be one of those despicable "communities" in ANY church} Fr. Donal Godfrey's {So it's writtend by the loopy-hippy Priest}book Gays and Grays tells the story of the life of Most Holy Redeemer parish. The book is the popularized version of Fr. Godfrey's dissertation {must be a typo, the proper word is .dissent.}, and his writing is superb. It starts with the rise - and almost fall of the parish - in a historical exposé. {eks-poh-zay}

Most Holy Redeemer Parish is a Christian Community in the Roman Catholic tradition{"in the Roman Catholic tradition". They say "tradition", not in the "Roman Catholic Church", so...}. The parish draws people from isolation to community, from searching to awakening,
{I've heard ENOUGH} from indifference to concern, from selfishness to meaningful service, from fear in the midst of adversity to faith and hope in God.

The community of Most Holy Redeemer shares God's compassionate love with all people. The parish offers a spiritual home to all: senior citizens and youth; single people and families; the healthy and the sick, particularly persons with HIV disease; regardless of their background, gender, race, social status, gender identity or sexual orientation.{They can't say this enough, can they. They must keep stressy their idiocy}

Now, as you can see, they obviously not Catholic. They are fake, CINO. (Catholic in Name Only)

God Bless.

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